Tuesday, September 13, 2022

This is the first time Dong Ha going to Europe!

 Yay! I'm back in this little place, prompted by news that Dong Ha is going to give  3 concerts, or maybe just 3 single performances, in Europe. I'm not sure if he will give full concerts. Still it is somehow very exciting news to me. I found out about it in  a facebook  page:         정동하 Fanpage There was a link to a brief online announcement, and even 2 pictures of Dong Ha, taken at the airport in Paris!!! 

http://m.stardailynews.co.kr/news/articleView.html...  Somehow he looks so lonely in that Paris airport! 

The announcement says:

Dongha Jeong arrived at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport for a European tour Article approval 2022.09.13(Spetember 13th)

A photo of Dong-ha Jeong, who arrived at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport on the 13th , before moving to Belgium for an overseas performance. 

The European tour of Korean pop music featuring Jung Dong-ha will be held in Brussels, Belgium on the 14th, Paris, France on the 16th, and Berlin, Germany on the 18th. 

조수현 기자 news@stardailynews.co.kr

Then Sept.16th in Paris. 

Then Sept 18th in Berlin. 

Yayyy! I hope he gets a lot of  warm welcome and love from the fans who live in Europe. And I hope there will be some video clips on You Tube. Probably not earlier than Sept 19th, after the concerts are finished.

 It looks, from the above little announcement, that it is a k-pop concert with multiple singers, not an individual mini-tour by just Dong Ha. Still, it's great he got this opportunity. I hope the audience is not only Koreans. 

Good luck, Dong Ha! Sing well, like you always do!

I haven't been here for quite  a long time, and I haven't made any posts for almost a year. I have visited a few times, and have thoughts about posting, but never did. These past 2 years of COVID pandemic has been so paralyzing, and killed my joy of being DH fan. I may return to continue this blog  some day.

 FOLLOW UP: Turns out this is going to be special concerts with 6 other Korean singers. Another video available from Instagram. Ali, Dong Ha's rival on Immortal Song2, and on Masked singer TV programs is there too!

"🔥For the first time, six Korean singers will unite to sing for freedom and peace in Belgium. They will perform their own songs and those of Min-Gi Kim, one of the greatest singers in Korean pop and folk music history. 

This concert will take you on a journey back to the early stages of K-pop, which created the foundation of current K-pop that became a global phenomenon. "