Saturday, February 22, 2020

I'm playing childish game

Some 15 years ago I was a big fan of certain unnamed fake singer. I rarely go back to that time in my thoughts. However, recently I suddenly remembered some game, that we the fans played in the online forum dedicated to that guy. It was an alphabet game, where we would start with an "A" and post one word that we thought best described our idol. Then we would continue with the rest of the alphabet, until "Z"and then we went back to the beginning, to start another round of words. Of course, all the adjectives were supposed to be the nicest possible attributes of that person. The bond between fans was a very pleasant experience from that time.

In recent time, I've been missing  Jung Dong Ha, because he hasn't been very active. Everything, or almost everything is put on hold because of the corona virus pandemic. I started to play the alphabet game in my mind, and decided to put it on records - all the good thoughts I think of him. It took me one evening to put the list together.

                Here it is. Ladies and gentlemen, I present  Jung Dong Ha, as seen by me. 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

TBT - "The Way" live in 2019 concert - 길